Last weekend Krakow hosted the Dzień Dobry TVN (DDTVN) morning tv show. One of the topics on Saturday (18.08.2018) was Krakow as a city attractive for business. The attention of the DDTVN team was also captured by the city apiaries that are being created in Krakow. They decided to talk about them with Przemysław Szeliga. The apiary on the roof of the Bronowice Business Center complex was an ideal scenery for a conversation about the coexistence of a rapidly growing business with nature. Our remarkable bees listened to the conversation but despite the cameras and microphones did not stop working. As part of the “Pasieka Krakow” project, there are already nine city apiaries in Kraków.

The hosts also talked with President of the city professor Jacek Majchrowski and with entrepreneurs from Poland and abroad who decided to tie their private and professional life with Krakow.

We invite you to watch the entire interview here → Click

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